Something to write about . . .

Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2020 14:09:23 -0400
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: Something to write about . . .

Sometime I have an idea that I want to write about. Like right now, I am writing about ideas I have to write about. But sometimes I have an idea, jot it down just so I will remember what I wanted to write about. Then later, I have a piece of paper in my hand with a jumble of words that don’t make sense to me or anyone else. It was a good I idea I remember that.

When an Idea to write comes to me, I try my best to write it down and make sure it makes sense- at least to me. Sometimes it runs out of steam after the first three or four sentences. Then what? Hobble along writing other meaningless things? Meaningless things that could be misinterpreted by the reader? Writings, to me are only good if they touch a nerve, convey a thought, create an interest, make one wonder, broaden one’s outlook.

I once hand a cousin that just loved to ask strangers – “Where do butterflies go when it rains?” She didn’t know the answer and I don’t think I know either.

Perhaps I should ask myself- Where do all my ideas for writing go when my thought process seems to have taken an early vacation? Where ever it has gone, I hope it is warmer there and a lot more inspiring . .


N.A. Booko- I’m not crazy about the above, but it was in there and just sorta leapt out.