Ray’s Supermarket in Moncure has been able to stay pretty much in stock

Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2020 04:42:20 +0000
From: Kevin Stone <scvmechcav@hotmail.com>
Subject: Moncure update

Good morning Chathamites!

We have been blessed at Ray’s Supermarket in Moncure NC to be able to stay pretty much in stock throughout this unprecedented time and want to thank everyone on the Chatham Chatlist that has come out or sent people out to buy local and help keep a small business afloat during these trying times. We have tried to assist those in the community that are at risk and have been doing curbside orders and have had a lot of people come to us that refuse to go fight in the big box stores. Times like this show what people are made of and we are proud to be part of this great community! We are open 7 days a week until 8pm so swing by and restock on meats or toilet paper or ammo or produce or hardware or whatever else you need!
Ray’s Supermarket
901 Old US 1
Moncure NC 27559

Kevin Stone-proprietor