Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2020 15:08:43 -0500 From: “N.A. Booko” Subject: Keep on keeping on . . . I suppose most of us, at one time or the other have had thoughts of dying. I know I have. More so lately. As I try and grasp the challenge of oldContinue Reading

Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 16:02:28 -0400 From: Gaines Steer <> Subject: Some Good News! Friends and Neighbors:  This posting has zero to do with the C-virus!  I am writing this Chatham Chatlist letter to announce that I am publishing an on-line newspaper titled: *The Prononia Times: our news isContinue Reading

Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 14:45:08 -0400 From: Stephanie Gee <> Subject: Free Wi-Fi Drive-In Available to those who don’t have access in Silk Hope Community In an effort to help the school children who don’t have access to the internet at home to do their school work, a FreeContinue Reading

Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 15:40:52 +0000 From: T Schmidt Subject: Chatham CERT and AuxComm information Chatham County CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) and AuxComm (Auxiliary Communications) members (and anyone else interested in resilience or helping your neighbors): Our latest information about dealing with COVID-19 in Chatham County is postedContinue Reading

Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 11:31:02 -0400 From: Chatham Habitat for Humanity <> Subject: Update – ReStores and Offices Closed We have made the difficult decision to close our ReStores and suspend all donation pick-ups in the community. Our offices are closed to the public, and we have suspended allContinue Reading

Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 10:10:04 -0400 From: Nikolai Mather Subject: COVID-19 grocery help Hey y’all! If you are elderly, disabled, immunocompromised, or having a hard time getting out to get groceries at this time, shoot me an email at I’d be happy to pick up whatever I can stillContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 19:27:26 +0000 From: Michael Barnes Subject: Hoarding follow up again I know I sound like a broken record, but it is a public health issue when people with the moral compass of an alley cat think they have to have everything for themselves and theContinue Reading