History is neither hate nor a record of perfectly moral agendas

History is neither hate nor a record of perfectly moral agendas. It’s pure truth and when you corrupt the truth by erasing half of it you have a big lie that does not in any reality reflect what really happened. We the people of all colors and all races have work to do to respect truth, history and ourselves by standing  our ground against false indoctrination that erases the truth .  I’m not a racist. I’m a purist. I believe in all the truth not just one side to suit one agenda. Truth is an ugly thing and it’s also incredibly beautiful all at the same time. Truth is the strongest one thing in our lives to anchor ourselves too. Until both sides of history are properly reconciled history will continue to disappear under agendas and hate filled rhetoric from both sides. If you are enraged because someone waves a certain flag or they are a certain skin color, you’re the problem. People need to grow up and get along .

Two sides of the same coin cannot be seen at the same time but yet are inseparable, different by contrast but part of the same coin. Neither side being more valuable or true  than the other. One side of civil war history is slavery  and the other is government aggression. You can not have one without the other . They are two totally different sides of the same coin. If you erase one side of that coin the opposite as a half truth will no longer represent the whole truth.  The argument that a confederate statue is about hate and slavery is true but the argument the  statue also represents those that died because they were defending their homes from northern aggression is also true. Two sides that are pure and true of the same coin.

     Every war , every conflict , every conquest and every victory ever recorded in history is part of a coin of truth.  It takes two sides of facts to make a truth.  When the one side is erased then its implied it never happened so that side becomes an empty lie.  When you couple a truth with a lie it becomes a half truth and grows into a total misrepresentation , a total lie.   The neo confederates, klans, antifas and chat 4 all progressives  only see one side of the coin. They see the side of the coin that suits their agenda while being  consumed by hate for the truth. The truth is until both sides of the coin of history are respected there will be hate and division . A house or rather a coin in this case can not stand divided.  I foresee things in Chatham to only get worse until we accept the truth that we must accept both sides of the same coin like them or not ..  When we accept the whole truth the division will be healed and we can truly move forwards by respecting where we once were and who we are now.   We are at an impasse now, and impasses are what caused every war in history.


Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2020 13:40:18 -0500
From: Mark Stinson
Subject: Truth no one wants to hear .

1 Comment

  1. Late to the party with this one, but I agree 100%. History is not to be erased. Those who advocate for the removal of monuments are simply ignorant to what they stand for, and a lot of the times, it’s by choice. Less than 1% of Southerners at the time of the Civil War were slave owners, and absolutely none of the people that owned slaves fought in the war, they let the poor families do that. The argument that these statues are “symbols of hatred” and are “oppressive” to people walking by is also just an act of self-importance and false victim-hood. Their interpretations of what these statues are fabricated from how they view the events it symbolizes, not the intricacies of the event that made it worthy of remembering. Why is it that Confederate statues that have stood for over a century, and that were present during the Civil Rights movement’s height in the 60’s are only now being looked at as symbols of hate? Actions like this should not be tolerated. Those who want monuments removed are those who have no actual ties to the people who those statues were made to memorialize. I have always found it intresting how the South, the side that lost the war, ares the ones who look back on the war with pride. I think it’s because of the struggle they went through to fight for their families, for their beliefs, to protect their way of life. This does not include slavery, as those who fought in the war did not directly benefit from it on a large scale. I think regardless of what side a young man fought on, they deserve to be remembered. They deserve their immortality in granite and stone. They gave the ultimate sacrifice. Families were left without husbands, fathers, and brothers, and the coming decades would prove to be even more tough, having to rebuild. Look at General Sherman and his famous March to the Sea. He and his troops burned, looted, and absolutely scorched the land they walked on, from Georgia to Virginia. And yet he is remembered as well. Why? Because he was on the winning side. But he also deserves to be remembered for the cause he fought for, just as the southern soldiers fought for their families at home. My point is, moving statues and moving history from the public eye is just a way of making those with feelings that are hurt especially easily feel like they have the spotlight. Those statues have nothing to do with them, besides a war that nobody who witnessed first-hand is alive today. I am originally from the North, moved to North Carolina a couple years back, but I respect both sides, and I respect the southern culture a whole lot more than I do the Northerners who come here and destroy local history. It’s the same thing as what Columbus did to South America, and they don’t see it at all. I appreciate this post a ton. History will be remembered, and I, for one, will never let the memory of these people die. Ever. God Bless.

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