We don’t need the 2nd amendment

Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 13:54:25 -0500
From: Karen Crowell
Subject: law enforcement

So let’s stop and think for a minute.

What could be worse than armed domestic terrorists going on shooting sprees in our schools and churches? An armed militia enforcing their personal interpretation of what laws are constitutional  or unconstitutional?  Any law enforcement officer, sworn to protect law-abiding citizens, would be committing a violation of that oath and promptly fired.

Law-abiding citizens need protection from people like you who think they are above the law.   Find some other place to live if you want to terrorize people who don’t agree with you.

“Some of the stronger declarations call for the creation of a local militia that will forcibly act to defend against any attempts to enforce these unconstitutional infringements.  The ideal structure for these militias is for them to operate under the direction of the county Sheriff, who is oftentimes the highest law enforcement agent that is elected and hence serves at the will of the People and not by appointment from a bureaucrat as this does provide them with a degree of legal standing within the current statutes”.