Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2019 09:08:38 -0400 From: Taylor Kish Subject: Chatham County democrat socialists – defined Duck Decoy (Post 6544) attempted to use the definition of “socialism” as a defense that Chatham County democrats and Duck Decoy are not socialists. This perfectly demonstrates some people learned to read wordsContinue Reading

ate: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 17:06:46 -0400 From: Brad Page Subject: Our not so civil war When folks get together and protest the flags and statues connected to the American Civil War such as we’re seeing in downtown Pittsboro I think of a number of things from the 1850’s andContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 09:12:21 -0500 From: Gaines Steer Subject: Y’all, I visited (though briefly) the demonstrations last weekend down at the Horton Middle School driveway, just across from the Confederate Flag demo. Interesting, to say the least.  Actually, I plan to utter: *the least*! Well, yesterday as IContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 07:55:45 -0500 From: Duck Decoy Subject: Yeah, John Bonitz! Thank you Pittsboro voters for reelecting John Bonitz to serve us for 4 more years. While at best Kyle Shipp and John Bonitz on the board will work for keeping environmental priorities at the forefront andContinue Reading