Come along on an Arctic Adventure

Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2018 16:35:32 -0400
From: Wendi Pillars
Subject: Come along on an Arctic Adventure

A local teacher, Wendi Pillars, from JMHS, will be traveling to Savoonga, Alaska, a Siberian Yupik village on the remote St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea.

She will join an international research team to study Arctic Seabirds, to determine how sea ice extent and aspects of climate change impact the birds’ migratory patterns and lifestyles.

One of her roles as an educator on the team is to write daily journals, and if you are interested in learning about the work, please subscribe to her journals at this site:

Wendi hopes you (and especially kids!) will chime in and ask lots of questions about the journal entries and information. If you have questions for Wendi or the research team, please, please, feel free to post them in the response area for the journals!

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“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” – Victor Frankl