Group of interested folks that are considering a tiny or not so tiny house

Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2016 11:28:19 -0500
From: “stinmar1
Subject: Tiny house ,, and almost tiny house

Many people are in the same boat I am . The older kids have moved out and the younger ones will be in a couple of years . We will soon be in a big empty house that we don’t need . I have watched the tiny house movement grow but the idea of living in a home smaller then than a mini school bus not appealing . I took some time to pay attention to just how much of my own home I actually use . I did the math based on the size of the rooms and came up with a modest 868 square feet .

After looking at how these rooms are laid out I realized if the rooms were reorganized a little I could trim off another 100 plus square feet leaving around 750 square feet of decent sized rooms to comfortably fit two people in . I decided that at some point in time smaller would definitely be better .. Less to heat and cool , less to maintain , less to pay taxes on so it would be a win win situation .

I want to get a group of interested folks together that are considering a tiny or not so tiny house . I have some plans for different types in mind and once I put them to paper I want to make sure they are up to code but easy for anyone to build or have built on a small budget . There are two types of tiny house . The first type is on a frame with wheels that can be moved . The second is on a permanent foundation . There are benefits to both but the one thing they both have in common is they can be built cheaply but durably. I want to focus on local folks . I know there are many tiny house groups online but I personally like to talk in person and see in person projects to get a good feel of what I want to do . I have also found a group of people with the same goals can accomplish far more on lots less than an individual . If you have a tiny house , want a tiny or not so tiny house and are in Chatham County please drop me a line 🙂

Goodnite Mark