Chatham Council on Aging will begin hosts Health Discussion Group once a month at Senior Center in Pittsboro

Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2016 08:45:19 -0500
From: Alan Russo < Subject: Health Discussion Group The Council on Aging will begin hosting a "Wellness/Health Discussion Group" once a month at the Eastern Chatham Senior Center in Pittsboro. Our third meeting will be Jan., 15 The Health Discussion Group will be an informal platform for Chatham County folks over 50 years of age to gather with people of similar interests and discuss everything from healthy lifestyle, juicing, natural cosmetics, health problems, natural therapies, to, the environment, self sufficiency, meditation and anything else important to living a healthy and productive life. The group will meet the third Friday of every month at 2pm in the Eastern Chatham Senior Center in Pittsboro. To sign up or for more information please contact Alan at 919-542-4512 or e-mail at Alan Russo Meal Site Manager Chatham County Council on Aging Pittsboro, NC 27312 (919)542-4512
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