A “good” psychologist or “spiritual healer / shaman” worth their hourly fees would not post nasty articles

Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 11:23:51 -0500
From: Taylor Kish
Subject: How can so many be so wrong?

In my most recent Chatlist post (# 5147), I acknowledged the end of 2014, acknowledged Maryphyllis Horn’s book, and gave a few facts about Schizophrenia and mental/emotional illness.

I cannot diagnose illness or determine wellness. I do not know Ms. Horn. I’m not sure which Maryphyllis Horn we are discussing. The Maryphyllis Horn who posts so many negative (some might say “nasty”) articles in this Chatlist, or letters to the editor of print media? The Maryphyllis Horn who demonizes “Big Money” or “Chatham Park”, or me because I dare same something nice?

Lots of Chatlist posts over the years show strong disagreement with Maryphyllis Horn. Almost always Ms. Horn “doubles down” with an obviously UNLoving response. I even looked for a way to listen to Ms. Horn more effectively. Her website and advertisements ooze “love” but her responses to others and me do not. What do I have to do to get love from Maryphyllis Horn? Pay her $70? Will that help her love me? How about $75?

My comments (that evoked these responses) were about LISTENING. That is what “Whispering With Animals” is about. That is why one pays a psychologist (like Betty Phillips) or a “shaman” to heal your pet turtle’s shyness. I don’t think YOU listened to me yet you want me to believe you can understand an insect’s feelings or a tree?

My real question in my post (# 5147) was, how do you determine whether you are “hearing” truth or being deceived by your “spirit guide”? OR “hearing” nonsense? OR if you’re mentally ill? Over time, if you listen to the deceivers, you will have to become mentally ill to deal with the dichotomy between reality and your view of your world. (You are a democrat.) Love and hate do not exist in the same place and time. Too many of your messages do NOT communicate love, Ms. Horn. “Angels” and other “guides” have offered messages to you, Ms. Horn. But too often you are unwilling to listen. Your prejudices block your willingness to seek, recognize, accept, and use precious gifts, answers, truth.

If you are unwilling to accept a gift of love, how “good” are you? You only hear what you want to hear or what you think your paying clients want to hear.

A “good” psychologist or “spiritual healer / shaman” worth their hourly fees would not post nasty articles, assault others with their prejudices/biases, or go to war with fellow Chatlisters when you think your “authority” is challenged. Where is the love in that?