Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:15:32 -0500 From: Doug Berg Subject: Squirrels and Crows As reported from other parts of the county, we, too, haven’t been seeing many squirrels here off Russells Chapel Road lately. I write that off to last year’s meager crop of mast. If I’m right, weContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 11:41:38 -0500 From: “” Subject: PBO 1st Sunday Artisan Fair and Christmas Parade 12/7/14 Hi Chatlister Friends! We’ve got a wonderful PBO First Sunday Artisan Fair for you this Sunday AND the Christmas Parade will join us as well!! So grab your family/friends and pleaseContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 14:49:46 +0000 From: Megan Gilliland Subject: Chatham County Parks & Recreation Upcoming Events On Friday, December 5th , 2014 from 6: 00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Chatham County Parks and Recreation will be hosting our 3rd Annual Parents Night Out, registration is open to childrenContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 09:27:08 -0500 From: Jo Anne Clayton Subject: birds back! A couple of days before Thanksgiving a couple of birds returned to my feeders. Eventually more and more showed up (still no cardinals). This is the same feed, the same suet, the same seed cake (noneContinue Reading