Tickets, Democrats and highway robbery

Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 10:21:26 -0400
From: “”
Subject: Tickets , Democrats and highway robbery

I have had a number of conversations with those who are very familiar with the legal system and how it works since yesterday.

If you have received a ticket in the last four years and were nearly bankrupt over court cost and fines you can thank a democrat . Just before the democrats lost control of the state four years ago they were forced with a dilemma . They had a fat unsustainable budget and they knew if they raised taxes they would be nailed at election time . So how did they raise revenues ? After looking at state fines , fees and other things we have to pay they decided to double , triple and sometimes raise a fine by as much as ten times depending one the frequency of how often these fines were levied to gain that extra revenue .

Chatham county democrats did the same with higher permits new fees and proposed impact fees . Before democrats the fine for exceeding 35 in a school zone was $50 , after progressive democrats its $250 .

This is just the tip of the iceberg of what I have learned so far today about how democrats found money to blow .

If your making $75,000 to $100,000 a year spending $1000 to clear a ticket is irritating but not a problem . If your like the rest of us making $25,000 or less its can take a month or two worth of income to pay it . The case loads lawyers deal with is tough and they cant do this for free so they have to charge a fair rate to deal with your problem . Lawyers are like everything else the higher the demand for their services the higher the price. It hurts the lower income families far more than the rest .

Everyone makes mistakes but crippling someone financially that cant afford it when others can pay the fine and it not phase them is disproportionate punishment . Its no longer innocent until proven guilty , its guilty until you pay enough money to be innocent and if you cant pay tough crap . If you are planning to vote for Crawford , Hales and Howard you are voting for the same party that brought us Obamacare , cut our military to shreds , jacked all our fees and fines to the moon and spread more crap in Chatham County than John Vestals manure spreader did in the 50 plus years he used it !

If you get pulled over don’t be upset with the officer , he’s doing his job but when you get bent over with the fines , fees and super high legal expense , blame a democrat ! This post reflects my opinion and IM STICKING TO IT !

Goodnite Mark