Chatham County is a Gun Friendly Community, you betcha!

Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 02:22:41 -0400
From: J
Subject: Gun Friendly Community, you betcha!

On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 8:38 AM, Chatham Chatlist <> wrote:

> ——————– 7 ——————–
> Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 07:33:32 -0400
> From: Karen Crowell
> Subject: firearm friendly community?
> Anyone who aspires to live in a “firearm friendly community” obviously
> isn’t concerned about how many domestic violence incidents involve guns.
> Anytime there are guns in the hands of angry people, someone ends up
> getting hurt. Or dead.

I’d much rather live in a “Firearm friendly community” than one that is virulently against your right to defend your life by any means necessary. For example, Chicago is most assuredly not a firearm friendly community, yet has one of the highest violent crime rates in the nation, with and without guns being used as the weapon of choice.

> Assault with a deadly weapon is a serious crime.

It sure is. That charge applies to guns, knives, bats, bricks, shovels, cars, trucks, blenders, beer bottles, 2x4s, golf clubs, heck, pretty much ANYTHING that can be used as a weapon will lead to Assault With a Deadly Weapon charges.

> Referring to a deadly weapon as an “AR” is tacitly admitting that it isn’t
> friendly.

Huh? You have no idea what AR stands for. AR stands for ArmaLite Rifle, the company that designed it back in the 50s. Armalite was not very successful at selling the model and eventually licensed the designs to Colt. Colt then went on to sell the AR-15 around the world.

> It does nothing to diminish the fact that it is an Automatic Rifle,

Again, you show you have no knowledge about what you’re railing against. There is no such thing as an automatic AR-15 or AR type rifle. AR type rifles are semi-automatic, and aside from looking scary to some people function EXACTLY THE SAME as any other semi-automatic rifle. An “Automatic” fires more than one round per trigger pull. Automatics include the M-16, M-4, M-60 and other machine guns, sub-machine guns, etc.

> an assault weapon that is intended to rapidly and repeatedly fire.
> Indiscriminately.

Semi-automatics are designed to do anything BUT fire indiscriminately. Fully Automatic weapons tend to be very hard to aim accurately, semi-automatics are much easier to control and accurately aim to avoid indiscriminate fire. In fact, that is one of the chief reasons for the design of the 3-round burst selector on real “assault rifles”.

> At a moving target, or a crowd of people. A very deadly weapon.

Did you know cars are just as good, or even better, actually. Talk to the people at UNC who were assaulted en masse a few years ago by a misguided guy screaming for an Islamic Jihad by driving his vehicle into crowds and “assaulting indiscriminately poor innocent children at college”.

ANY firearm can be used to hit a moving target. And it’s been proven that Knives are quite effective in a crowd.

Please educate yourself a bit, you might be surprised just how far off your personal fears and regurgitation of gun-control talking points actually are from reality.

> Appropriate for use in a combat zone.

As far as I know, AR-15s are not used in combat zones. The original AR-15 design was a fully automatic weapon, and is known as the M-16 in the military. The AR-15 sold to civilians, police and non-military groups is a semi-automatic version, and the term AR-15 today ONLY refers to that semi-automatic rifle, which, coincidentally, fires a far less powerful round than the average hunting rifles in calibers like .30-06, 8mm, 7mm Magnum, .243, and so on.. In fact, most semi-automatic hunting rifles are descendants of Military weapons that actually WERE used in combat zones.

And pretty much ALL bolt action hunting rifles are descended from the Mauser, which was designed as a military weapon to kill as many bad guys as possible without reloading as often.

> Why anyone would want to live in a combat zone, I have no idea.

Please tell me, where in the US is a Combat Zone? Do you know what that term even means? There is no such thing as a Combat Zone in the US, or really anywhere in North America (well, maybe Mexico). If you want to experience a Combat Zone, take a trip to the Ukraine, or Israel, or large portions of Africa, the Middle East, etc.

> But if you want to live in a “firearm friendly community” and you think
> owning an assault rifle is the best way to defend yourself, then a combat
> zone is a much more accurate description of the kind of community you
> imagine living in.

Again, you really don’t know what a combat zone is. Despite what the teeth gnashes and media would have you believe, AMERICA is a Firearm Friendly Community, and has been since BEFORE it was America, back when it was just another part of the British Empire. Private ownership of firearms are the REASON you are here, today, an American Citizen, free to post things like this with only a modicum of knowledge of the subject you are railing against. Firearms secured your right to free speech, and it’s not a difficult argument that private ownership of firearms helped usher in and protect the civil rights leaders of the 50s and 60s. Here’s a bit of info from a decidedly NON-gun friendly organization:

> Hardly what I would call “friendly.”

Actually, I find that the vitriol spilled by people like you projecting their own fears and ignorance onto law abiding gun owners is hardly what I would consider friendly. You don’t know me, you don’t know a thing about me, so how dare you judge me and accuse me of being some sort of violent psychopath one step away from snapping and murdering your family? Because that is EXACTLY what you are implying with these ignorant statements. You are implying that the people in this country who won well over 250 MILLION firearms are just a hair’s breadth away from mowing down colleague and coworker alike.

Honestly, guns do not scare me one bit. Not much does, because I accept the world for what it is. A wonderful place, full of beauty, adventure, danger, thrills, fun, and so many amazing experiences. I can’t imagine what it is like to be so constantly in fear of everyone around you, because there are about 300 million Americans, more or less, and 250 million guns in circulation, more or less, with millions more sold every year. So the chances are, you interact every day with someone carrying a weapon, or who at least owns one, or more.

So please, educate yourself. Try reading something not from the Bloomberg propaganda machine for once. Rather than reading or watching the emotion laced biased ignorant drivel that passes for ‘journalism”, try reading up on the history, the technical aspects, and actual accounts of where weapons of all sort fit into our society.

And please, seek help for this irrational fear you’ve let cloud your life. You’ll be much happier for it.
