Save the Date! Bynum Front Porch summer workday is Saturday, July 19

Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 13:01:51 -0400
From: Bynum FrontPorch
Subject: Save the Date! Bynum Front Porch summer workday is Saturday, July 19

As always, there’s something to do at the Bynum General Store.  This year, the Summer Workday will be on *Saturday, July 19*.  We’ll get started at 10:00 and work until 1:00 or so.  There’s cleaning to do, inside the store and out, as well as painting, mowing, trimming, etc.  Please join us! It’ll be fun!

Come out, join in, and have fun.  All you need to bring is some water and work gloves.  We’ll provide the snacks and the tools.

For more information, email us at