How the internet works and one’s “research”

Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:11:27 -0400
From: Taylor Kish
Subject: How the internet works and one’s “research”

Pam Fulk went from ROFL to inflamed in one post.  She used the word “research” twice for emphasis.

The internet is a big concept woven together with a lot of connecting technology most often called routers.  ANYONE can set up a website at the end of a router.

Pam, it is ALL about sources when an adult performs “research”.  The internet if FULL of nut cases who set up web pages and pretend like they know something.  If your sole source is the website, you are misinformed.  If you follow the links given by the HuffPo website and call that “further research”, your behavior borders on silly.

There are a few nut cases who post to this Chatlist.  I’m probably one.  But, Pam and others of Pam’s ilk, you WANT to believe the worst.  You WANT to find sources that support your misinformed beliefs.  And then you want to force your viewpoint on the rest of us because YOU are so enlightened and we are SO UNenlightened.

That’s how we got a “Green Initiative” for county building construction costing significantly more than normal construction.  The Environmental Review Board wanted (wants?) to “mitigate” “climate change”.  The Chatham Board of Commissioners should put a halt to THAT immediately and NEVER allow THAT again.  BUT it WAS a way to spend EXTRA money that poured into county coffers and inflated the budget with tax rates based on the highest values JUST BEFORE the real estate bust of 2008-2009.

Treat EACH “source” with skepticism especially IF it supports your biased beliefs.  How many good people have been burned at the stake because they did not agree with YOUR religious beliefs?