Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 07:57:43 -0500
From: Eric Wales
Subject: Attention deer hunters – NC Wildlife Resource Commission needs your help.
Every five years the NCWRC takes samples from the deer harvested in North Carolina for their CWD (Chronic Waste Disease) study. The 2013 season is one of those years. Backyard Bow Pro has been working with the NCWRC in supplying these samples but we cannot cover or have access to, all the areas where samples are needed.
If you are a deer hunter or know a deer hunter who would like to help our NCWRC with this study, please email me. I will forward you a map that identifies the areas where samples are needed, what is needed for the sample and the contact information for the NCWRC Biologist in our area.
Contact me if you have any questions.
Eric Wales
Backyard Bow Pro – Chatham County Coordinator