Whether its gunfire late at night or someone racing an engine rattling the windows on your home no one likes loud noise at night

Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 10:31:53 -0500
From: “connectnc.net
Subject: Just a thought on noise

Whether its gunfire late at night or someone racing an engine rattling the windows on your home no one likes loud noise at night period .  I feel the whole Chatlist gun issue isn’t with the gunfire or safety of guns its the noise .  Uneducated people are afraid of guns . They are convinced by all the unfortunate shootings around the country that the media reports that guns are evil .  Things like  guns , knives , hammers , baseball bats , explosives aren’t evil , these items kill no one .

Its the person who has the desire to kill who does it period .

The availability of these things or laws governing them doesn’t stop one from doing the evil deed . If you want to kill someone you will find a way and many lunatics do just that irregardless of laws .  Accidents happen with anything so one can and will die of something .

Do we live in constant fear of what we don’t understand or do we become educated ?   Do we allow government to grow suffocating our rights and burdening us with yet more laws and regulations that make life less enjoyable or do we live and let live and learn to talk to our neighbors again ?   My simple solution is this .  Quit complaining about it and do something .

Don’t yell for gun laws but instead use common sense .   Firstly if your hearing gunfire after dark  and its bothering you
and If  you know who is doing this ,, put your attitude in check , get off your high horse , realize that others have rights too and go have a friendly conversation with the person . Tell them the noise keeps you awake and you need sleep to go to work , tell them it bothers your kids and ask very nicely , can you please target practice during daylight .  You will find that a little sugar and honey goes way farther than vinegar and salt  to resolve a problem .

We don’t talk to anyone anymore , we make demands or make the government do it for us to the point we really are loosing control of our lives .  If you don’t know who it is , and you don’t feel comfortable with trying to discuss the issue you have another perfectly good option , Call 911 , report excessive gunfire from hunters near your home and ask for assistance . Deputies are very adapt at finding people shooting guns and they are very diplomatic in informing those with guns that they are disturbing the peace .  There is a difference in using your right to bear arms and being a public nuisance .

Most people are reasonable and will comply with a reasonable request .

If and I mean If any thing should be done by local government if it hasn’t already been done would be a very simple  noise ordinance .  I know of a neighborhood who adapted a very reasonable ordinance ,   From daylight till 9pm Monday through Saturday , and from 1pm Sunday till dark ,  there is no regulations on noise .  After 9pm  till daylight weekdays and from 9pm Saturday night till 1pm Sunday there will be no excessive noise such as , gun fire , racing loud engines , explosives , ( except on
holidays such as the 4th and New Years for Fireworks )  No residential or commercial demolitions , no loud music unless by permit or under a certain decibel level .    Breaking the rule was punishable by a fine after the first warning , then the fines climbed by the number of times one violated the ordinance .    No ones rights would be violated as you can make as much noise as you like during daylight hours and everyone’s right to a peaceful nights sleep would be respected .    As for how densely populated your area is , remember noise travels a long way , you can be hearing gunshots from a mile away deep in the woods when your walking around in your yard in town .     If your a gun owner you should respect others rights but in the like extreme if your not a gun owner you should respect gun owners rights .  Gun owners have been feeding us , protecting us and being law abiding citizens since this country was founded.

TV shows highlight gun violence but never show reality of responsible gun owners , they never show crimes stopped by someone properly using a firearm . They rarely ( unless your a Duck Dynasty fan like myself ) show how guns feed us and are a way of life for many . TV never shows all those normal people who have firearms properly stored  ready for use in self defense ( 88 million
plus  in the USA now ) who do not go out on a rampage killing people .   I have a request ,, I want everyone who doesn’t own a gun  to find someone who does.  You will be surprised at how many of your good neighbors do have them .  Go  find a gun range and a responsible person who has guns to show you how to properly fire a gun and how to properly store it .  I’m not telling you to like guns , I’m not telling you to become a gun advocate .  I’m asking you to simply become educated . Once you fire a gun , you don’t become evil , you don’t become homicidal , you don’t become reckless ,, you become educated and you will be able to look at the whole gun issue in a different light .    I agree that there is a time and place for everything , lets teach responsibility and respect for our neighbors again and quit turning to government to force others to do something because it annoys us

That’s my 2 cents worth ,, Goodnite Mark