Nabooko needs glasses . .

Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 11:44:28 -0400
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: Nabooko needs glasses . .

A fan or foe wrote:

Subject: N.A. Booko and glasses…

Let me see (pun intended), licorice snakes, flowering caterpillars, ghosts, strange apparitions and such?

Hmm, maybe N.A. Booko doesn’t have the imagination that we have come to assume….maybe he just needs glasses!




No, I do not need glasses- I have at least 10 pairs.  Finding one that is not scratched or strong enough is usually the problem.  But I have found that some $8.00 Dollar General glasses are just as helpful and the $600.00 prescription ones.  And as for the comment I don’t have imagination, let me assure you, I do, far beyond YOUR imagination. 99% of  what I write about on the Chatlist is based on fact, the imagination kicks in on just how to put it in a form that lets the reader grasp what I am saying.  And from public and personal response, I gather that a few  hundred of the four thousand plus readers of the Chatlist enjoy my posts.

And to all the others out there, you can vote yea or nay-  If you don’t want to read about snakes, ghosts, old highways and my childhood mud igloos and such – let it be known –  but remember, only Gene can banish me .  .

N.A. Booko

And by the way Bear, aren’t all apparitions strange?  Can recall ever  seeing one that made me feel it was just another day in Chatham County . .