Carbon Tax: Economics, Energy, and the Environment, Promise for Rural America

Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 16:07:14 -0400
From: Laura Lauffer
Subject: Carbon Tax: Economics, Energy, and the Environment, Promise for Rural America

Please join us next week for the Sustainable Speaker Series at CCCC, Pittsboro Campus

October 24, 2013
Presented by Don Addu
Carbon Tax: Economics, Energy, and the Environment
Campus tour begins 6:00 PM
Speaker 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Chatham Community Library,
Mary Hayes Holmes Room
197 N. Carolina Hwy 87
Pittsboro, NC 27312

Donald Addu is Founder and President of the Triangle Chapter of the Citizens Climate Lobby. His presentation will discuss the impacts of climate change and how a revenue neutral price on carbon will help generate economic opportunity for rural North Carolina. What are the environmental, agricultural, and health impacts of climate change? How will a price on carbon will benefit North Carolinians?

Come find out!
Laura Lauffer, LEED GA
Sustainability Coordinator & Lead Instructor
Sustainable Technologies Program
Central Carolina Community College
Pittsboro, NC 27312
919 545 8032

Check out our Sustainable Speaker Series