Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2013 10:36:46 -0400 (EDT)
From: Brad Page
Subject: Re: Gene on anonymity
I suppose in spirit Gene is right in allowing anonymous posts. After all, we might say, the post is the thing and the person only incidentally important except as the writer and sender.
This still leaves me with an itch I can’t quite scratch, you know, like one of those chigger bites just around to the middle of your back you can’t reach even with a 2 x 4, although a good tree bark back scratching can be delightful.
“Anonymous” or “Whizzup” or whatever, gives me no handle to attach my fears and prejudices. These days it’s even hard to get a sense of just who this person is from such a barrier. It’s like receiving a rather sweet kiss thrown in the dark. How does one conjure paranoid dialogues out thin air?
Now a good juicy litigious and self-confessed Yankee has thrown herself in our midst. Welcome, welcome! Trigger all my old hates of past years in New Hampshire prep schools and the dead eyes of Boston subway commuters who stare through a good ‘ole North Carolina smile, nod and “Hope you’re having a good day.” There’s someone who needs our help!
What can you do with a “Whizzup”?