Chatham County Beekeepers Association will be selling honey at Chatham Mills Farmers’ Market on Saturday

Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 11:00:47 -0400
From: “Pat Weisbrodt”
Subject: The Chatham County Beekeepers Association will be selling honey

My name is Pat Weisbrodt and I am president of the CCBA this year. 

We have a unique opportunity to sell local honey that was extracted from the hives we maintain at the community college in Pittsboro.  The Chatham Mills Farmers’ Market has invited the association and its members to sell honey this fall.  We will start this Saturday the 14th of September from 8 to 1. 

Once the association honey is sold, members will be allowed to sell their honey each Saturday.  We don’t know if we will have a beekeeper available to sell honey every Saturday, but we will try. 

The members will have educational information and will answer questions.  We hope that you will stop by the booth and learn more about bees and their products.

Pat Weisbrodt