Bootstrap Chatham/EntreDot Meet & Greet at the Pittsboro Roadhouse on September 23

Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 11:00:38 -0400
From: Mari Howe
Subject: Bootstrap Chatham/EntreDot Meet & Greet – 9/23

The Chatham Economic Development Corporation and EntreDot are hosting a free meet and greet for entrepreneurs and small business owners at the Pittsboro Roadhouse on Monday, September 23, 2013 from 4:00-6:00pm.  Come enjoy some light food fare and learn about EntreDot’s innovative approach to entrepreneurship and how it can help your small business succeed.

EntreDot provides a comprehensive entrepreneurship education program.  The EntreDot “Six Steps to Success” program brings discipline to the process of managing the complexities of determining if you have a great business idea and how to get it to a point of commercialization.  EntreDot focuses on “Main Street” businesses, where most of the new small business jobs are created in this country.  And we will gladly help proprietorships who aspire to grow into the “Main Street” business community.

The “Six Steps” process meets entrepreneurs at their point of greatest need and guides them with an assigned mentor to their own version of success.

      *ours is a fee for services model where the entrepreneur invests in his/her own business.
      *mentoring can be online or in person;matched to the individual or team.
      *some entrepreneurs choose to use our programs to jumpstart an existing business.
      *all our mentors have actually started and run their own businesses.
      *while our programs are affordable for everyone, we offer additional benefits for those making a longer term commitment to effectively launch a business.
      *some value introductions that we are able to make; others appreciate the way we help promote their companies and provide other services that facilitate scale.
      *we operate “Innovation Centers” around the Triangle ; when new businesses need an office or conference room, we are able to provide these facilities.
      *our Chatham County EntreDot Innovation Center is located at 288 East Street (Bus NC 64 East), Pittsboro, NC

We are anxious to meet new and existing business prospects in Chatham County, who might benefit from our support.  We very much appreciate the Chatham County Economic Development Council’s sponsorship and partnership, and want to help support new “Mian Street” business development in Pittsboro, Siler City, and Chatham County.

Contact Brad Lienhart, EntreDot Co-Founder and Director of Operations,

Mari Howe*, *Entrepreneur Resource Specialist*
Chatham County Economic Development Corporation
W: 919.542.8277