Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 08:54:25 -0400 From: Michelle Pooler Subject: Volunteers Needed Hey there Chatham neighbors! I have sent the “bat signal” out for volunteers for Twin Rivers Independent Senior Living and now I’d like to shine it brightly for Cambridge Hills Assisted Living Community, also located in Pittsboro.Continue Reading

Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 21:24:00 -0400 From: Shay Hall Subject: Sprott Center Fundraiser Breakfast You’re invited to an Applebee’s Flapjack Fundraiser breakfast to support Sprott Youth Center in Moncure! The Sprott Center has served as a safe place for children and youth to gather for fun, education, and recreationContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 16:16:42 -0400 From: Lindsay Hickling Subject: Rook Tournament June 14 ROOK TOURNAMENT WHEN: Thursday, June 14, 2012 TIME: Arrive at 6:15 pm, Begin playing at 6:30 pm WHERE: Council On Aging/Pittsboro Senior Center located at 365 NC Hwy 87 N, Pittsboro, NC 27312 COST: $5Continue Reading

Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 07:35:14 -0400 From: Renee Henderson Subject: Re: Children’s books salesman We had a book salesman come here, too, yesterday.  It wasn’t a Poncho, but he had Texas tags.  I called the non-emergency sheriff line because it seemed suspicious.  We are very rural, too (and notContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 18:30:07 -0400 From: Lesley Landis Subject: Whose Line is it Anyway? You’ve seen “Whose Line is it Anyway” on TV, now try on some lines and characters yourself as you stretch your Improv muscles! ChathamArts, your county arts council, presents “IMPROV FOR ALL”  with Instructor,Continue Reading

Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 17:16:10 -0400 From: John Delafield Subject: Summertime Continuing Ed courses at CCCC Two innovative and informative new course offerings at CCCC: 1) Recycling Pallets into Useful Structures:   Learn the process of creative modular design, attachment, erection steps, and techniques for completing an outbuilding structureContinue Reading