Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 13:40:59 -0500
From: Solid Waste and Recycling
Subject: Solid Waste Decals for Chatham Collection Centers Arriving by Mail End of January
Landowners in the unincorporated areas of Chatham County who paid their 2011 county property taxes and annual solid waste fees by the Jan. 5, 2012 deadline should look for their new 2012 Solid Waste and Recycling decals in the mail near the end of January.
The mailing envelope features the new logo for the Chatham County’s Solid Waste and Recycling Division and also features the words “SOLID WASTE & RECYCLING 2012 DECALS” printed in green on the back.
Chatham County issues two decals annually for each qualified household. A decal is required to use the county’s 12 collection centers for disposal of trash and recyclables as well as the Swap Shops.
Landlords are responsible for distributing decals to their tenants. Landowners and tenants may purchase replacement or additional sets of decals for $10 each through the Solid Waste and Recycling Division’s main facility at 720 County Landfill Road just west of Pittsboro off of US 64 West. Identification and proof of residency will be required, such as a utility bill or driver’s license, and purchasers must certify that they are obtaining the decals for authorized purposes.
The 2011 decals expire on Feb. 29, 2012. As of March 1, 2012, the new 2012 decals are required to use the collection centers. If landowners have not received their 2012 decals by mid-February, they should contact the Solid Waste & Recycling office at 919-542-5516 to verify their address.
The Solid Waste and Recycling Division does not receive any general tax dollars and instead relies on annual fees and other sources of revenue to fund its programs and services, including operating the 12 collection centers.
The county tax bill features two related solid waste fees:
* The $34 Disposal Fee is charged to landowners with dwellings in the unincorporated areas of the county, who rely on the Collection Centers as their primary legal means to dispose of household waste. Those living within town limits are not charged.
* The $91 Solid Waste Fee is charged to all landowners with dwellings in unincorporated areas of the county, but also is charged to town residents who want access to services at the Collection Centers.
These fees cover part of the disposal and operating costs of the centers as well as other programs operated by the Solid Waste & Recycling Division, such as the Household Hazardous Waste Disposal program.
In effect since 2006, the decal program provides residents and the county an efficient way to identify collection center users as residents who have paid their solid waste fees. Residents have the option of displaying the decal in the vehicle’s windshield or carrying it with them to show the attendant on duty at the centers.
If residents do not have a decal when they arrive at a center, the attendant on duty can call the Solid Waste and Recycling Division during regular office hours to verify that the user’s solid waste fees have been paid and provide a one-time pass. After hours and on weekends, visitors without a decal will not be able to use the collection centers.
Businesses and out-of-county residents are not allowed to use the collection centers because the centers are designed for and funded by Chatham County homeowners. Landlords are not permitted to bring waste generated by work performed on their rental properties because this is considered business waste, which should be handled by privately-owned transfer stations in Siler City, Sanford, and Durham that accept waste for a fee. Nearby counties also have special construction and demolition landfills and recycling facilities..
Chatham County offers an array of free recycling options that do not require a decal at its main facility at 720 County Landfill Road for county residents and businesses. For a complete listing of programs and services, as well as alternative disposal options, visit<>, or contact the division by phone at 919-542-5516 or by email at<>.
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