Recycle your Christmas trees for free until January 20th at the Main Chatham Solid Waste & Recycling Facility

Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 13:45:47 -0500
From: Solid Waste and Recycling
Subject: Reminder – Recycle your trees for free until January 20th

Yard debris, including trees, cannot be accepted at Chatham County Collection Centers. Residents needing to dispose of Christmas trees can recycle REAL trees for free at the Main Solid Waste & Recycling Facility at 720 County Landfill Road, on the following dates, from 7am to 3:30pm (please weigh in at the scalehouse):

January 12, 13
January 17, 18, 19, 20

After January 20th, regular yard debris rates will apply ($20/ton, $2 minimum). REMOVE ALL DECORATIONS, POTS, STANDS.

Please note this main facility is CLOSED on Monday, January 16th for Martin Luther King Day.


Thanks to a “bright idea” by a county resident, old non-working strings of lights can be recycled at the Main Solid Waste & Recycling Facility at 720 County Landfill Road during the Tree-cycling dates listed above. Our electronics recycler will take these lights as long as they are separated from the rest of our electronics. Drop them in the designated container set up at our main office when you recycle your tree.


As long as you remove strings, bows, ribbons, excess tape, foil or glitter, you can recycle your unusable paper gift wrap, empty flattened wrap rolls, empty flattened gift boxes, and gift cards in any MIXED PAPER bin at our collection centers (decal required) or behind the office at the main facility at 720 County Landfill Road (no decal required).

If you have corrugated cardboard boxes (remember, corrugated has that middle wavy layer), please remove all inside packaging, then flatten and recycle these boxes in the separate container for CARDBOARD.


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