Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 13:18:43 -0400 From: Gene Galin Subject: Last Week’s Hottest Chatham Bulletin Board Topics 1. Mike Cross vs Sally Kost over committee appointments (Read 3106 times) at,24002.0.html 2. Pittsboro needs anchor stores to draw enough traffic to support small businesses (Read 2441 times) at,24078.0.htmlContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 11:20:13 -0400 From: Marian Wall Subject: Chatham Marketplace Art in the Cafe Chatham Marketplace has enjoyed a very successful art program for local artists in our café area.  We are looking for new artists who are interested in hanging their work beginning in January. YourContinue Reading

Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 19:53:40 -0400 (EDT) From: Bea O’Quinn Subject: Hanks Chapel bbq chicken lunch and supper The Hanks Chapel Church men’s fellowship bbq chicken lunch and supper will be Friday, October 28. Eat in, take-out or delivery at lunch from 11:30-until, and eat-in or take-out supper from 5:00-until it’s allContinue Reading

Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 18:25:35 -0400 (EDT) From: Kerry Straughn Subject: Coyotes last Thursday Took our dogs out for an 11 pm walk and they wouldn’t even stay outside it scared them so bad. We are two miles south of the landfill. I have heard them for a longContinue Reading