Bravo Meg and Dr. Tysor for giving that kitty a hands up into this life

Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 11:46:08 +0000
From: Virginia Mary Jacks
Subject: Bravo MEG!!!

Bravo Meg and Dr. Tysor for giving that kitty a hands up into this life!  All of us endure some ‘impurrfection’.  It is those that have the charity of heart to make a difference and go the extra mile to serve another whether they be two legged or four that change the world and make it better place for all.   God bless you and kiss that kitty for me will yah??  Many, many happy years and deep purrs to you!

Virginia Mary JacKs

 “God has not given us the spirit of fear;
but…power,…love, and… a sound mind.”
2Tim 1:7…:-)