Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 15:02:13 -0400
From: Phyllis Smith
Subject: Connecting with the Community
Chatham County Center-NC Cooperative Extension will be hosting “Connecting with the Community on Tuesday, November 4th at 6:30 pm. The program will be conducted at Carolina Stockyards at 260 Stockyard Road, Staley, NC. FREE and open to the public.
Many of us are unaware of the services that Chatham County offers its community to support them at any time. Whatever the situation of the home, individuals and agencies are available to assist everyone through that period. “Connecting to the Community” will bring together individuals from the following county agencies; Small Business Center, Employment Security Commission, Public Health Department and Division of Social Services. All interested individuals are invited to attend. Learn of the opportunities available to support friends, family. For additional information, contact Chatham County Center, 919-542-8202.
Phyllis Smith, RD, LDN
Extension Agent
Family and Consumer Science
Chatham County Center
North Carolina Cooperative Extension
PO Box 279, Pittsboro, NC 27312
(919) 542-8202 / 8247