Can we make an appeal to Lowe’s to ban out-of-control children, too?

Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 08:50:15 -0400
From: bearandma
Subject: Lowe’s new policy

Can we make an appeal to Lowe’s to ban out-of-control children, too?  You know, the ones whose parents are so ditzy that they can’t seem to keep their kids in check?  So the kids go running down the isles of stores pulling things down, running into your cart and then crying that they got hurt and the parent wants to hold you accountable?

Don’t get me wrong — I love kids. Got two grands that I would die for.  But I’ve just about had it with these out-of-control children whose parents don’t have enough common sense to see that their little darlings are pests at the least and dangerous at the worse.

Lyndy Lou

1 Comment

  1. The kids you might occasionally see… are they mentally handicapped or autistic? My child is. And, unfortunately, once inside a public place, if it becomes to loud or bright, etc., he may act out in ways similar to what you described.
    Since he’s a very handsome little boy and doesn’t necessarily look “special needs”, the other shoppers assume I’m a bad parent and freely give dirty looks and make hurtful comments as I’m trying to get the situation under control and leave the store as quietly as possible.
    Please try to imagine what it’s like for me (and him) to not only be struggling with behaviors like this on a daily basis but to also be hurt by stares and eye rolls from others?
    And, BTW, my husband is deployed to Iraq this year again. So, we as a family are sacrificing for everyone’s freedom.
    Instead of taking the time to complain online or be a person who might give dirty looks to hurt others when they’re already struggling, why not help turn things around by offering a hand to them in the store or by volunteering your time working with special needs families?

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