It’s sad that I cannot carry my little teacup Chihuahuas in Lowes any longer

Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 08:44:25 -0400
From:  Ann Harvel-Hearne
Subject: Dogs In Lowes

It’s sad that I cannot carry my little teacup Chihuahuas in Lowes any longer.  They sat in the cart on a blanket – that way no dog hair would be left behind in the cart.  I agree with another reader that I have seen many more children running wild in Lowes than I have dogs.  All the dogs I’ve ever seen have either been in the carts or on a lease. 

The reader that talks about allergies amused me – allergic to the pets in Lowes but has pets at home.  Too bad for Lowes – Home Depot will have my business now.

1 Comment

  1. People who are alergic to dogs and other animals are alergic to the dander which permiates the air when the animal is there and remains behind when they leave. My husband was sick for three days after analergic attack brought on in a Lowes store where a large smelly (unclean) dog followed us around the store. Pets are wonderful, but why does anyone have the right to impose them on someone else, when it may endanger the other’s health?

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