Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 18:58:07 -0400 From: Carol Newnam Subject: sediment in well water In answer to Nicholas’s problem….I live near you on Oak Hill.  I have always had that problem.   I use Gene Smelik with Kenetico.  His email is .  He’ll come out and assess the problemContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 17:19:27 -0400 From: Michael Cotter Subject: School Board Funding Request I don’t know enough about the school funding issue to determine whether Chairman Bock or the administrator has it right.  But I want to focus on the last paragraph of Chairman Bock’s message.  It isContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 17:00:14 -0400 From: Kira Dirlik Subject: Another swift note I am finally taking the time to read all the many websites that folks  here recommended.  This paragraph below was quite upsetting.  From “…… Chimney Swifts are protected by Federal Law under the  Migratory BirdContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 14:18:47 -0400 (EDT) From: Charles Jones Subject: The view from here… (regarding the status of Chatham Grove School) After much review, we are deeply saddened to bring the news that we cannot find a path forward that supports the school we have so passionately envisioned.Continue Reading

Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 09:37:45 -0400 (EDT) From: peasncarrots424 Subject: Re: Chatham Chatlist #4096 In response to the cow velvet wasp ants.. These are indeed an almost indestructible insect. For fear of being attacked, my grandmother tried to step on one with sneakers on and nothing happened. She triedContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 07:43:41 -0400 From: Bynum FrontPorch Subject: Friday night at the Bynum General Store — The Bluegrass Experience *The Bluegrass Experience Hits The Bynum Stage Friday Night * Friday night, one of the Bynum Front Porch Music Series favorites, *The Bluegrass Experience*, will once again proveContinue Reading