Volunteer opportunities with Chatham Literacy Council

Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 14:01:17 +0000
From: Chatham County Literacy Council
Subject: Volunteer opportunities with Literacy Council

Chatham County Literacy Council Needs All Readers To Come To The Aid Of Their County!

These volunteer opportunities are currently available with the Chatham County Literacy Council.
We’d love to have you work with us!

*Tutors for ESL class assistance in Siler City (evenings)
*Grant research and writing
*Direct mail list and project management
*Special event project management

The American Community Survey of 2005-2009 reports that the number of adults over 25 who do not have a high school diploma or equivalency in Chatham County is 17.5%; in Pittsboro’s Center Township is 12.7%; in Matthews Township (Siler City area) is now 39.9%; in Cape Fear (Moncure area) is now at 23.9%.

We understand adult literacy is an economic issue, affecting our county’s ability to sustain a reliable tax base and attract businesses needing educated workers.

We understand that adults need to be sufficiently literate to more fully participate in their local government, schools, and improve their job prospects.

Chatham County Literacy Council is a county non-profit providing free tutoring to adults to build life and work skills in reading, writing, math and English as a second language.

We believe it is vital that adults trying to increase their skills be provided with free and convenient access to these services.

For more information, please email admin@chathamliteracy.org.

Chatham County Literacy Council
