The other side of the Chatham Schools redistricting story?

Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 11:13:44 -0500
From: Richard D. Allen, Esq.
Subject: The other side of the redistricting story?

Hello everyone,

Can someone point me towards an article or a website or something that would explain why the superintendent is so committed to the school redistricting plan?

Everyone on this listserv is entirely against it, as far as I can tell. The local news’s brief report on the school board meeting suggested everyone in Moncure, at least, is against it. The stated reasons I have heard on this list are budget savings, equalizing access to things like sports and special activities, and diversity (although I’ve never heard the diversity angle explained fully).

Out of all of those issues, saving money seems the only one that would really justify such a big change, and other people have said that the savings would be small to nonexistent.

Basically, I’m trying to get the other side of the story, because everything I’ve read so far suggests that redistricting doesn’t make much sense. Maybe there isn’t another side of the story?

Richard D. Allen
Durham, NC
(919) 886-5005
Twitter: @allenlawnc