Chatham Parents against redistricting and reorganizing have caught the attention of WRAL and WTVD

Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 21:18:33 -0500
From: Chatham Ghost
Subject: PAR update on schools

  I was rambling around in the rain today and ran across an old friend .. It looks like the Chatham Parents against redistricting and reorganizing have caught the attention of  WRAL and WTVD . Its only a matter of time before this goes viral with so many school systems trying to find the best way to survive .

So many have done internal audits to find ways to save money  to stick with a proven K- 8 program . Middle schools are not the way to go and the ones here need improvement to bring their academic levels up to par with the K-8 school programs already in place .   I encourage every parent with a child in a Chatham County school to join the group , sign one of the many petitions against redistricting / reorganizing so we can send a message to our BOE we mean business .

    I urge every parent not familiar with Margaret Pollard  middle school to go online and check out the photos , or even better go by it as I did . You will be totally shocked at the massive over expenditure of funds , funds that could have impacted all of our schools but instead built a massive monument to waste and favoritism .  I honestly cant believe we spent that much money on one school . Its so very unfair to all the other schools and children in this county . Who ever was responsible for that cash pig should be held criminally accountable in my opinion .      Casper

Mia Munn  reminds us

    Folks, don’t just get people to attend the board meeting Feb 14 – they need to come to the hearings Feb 15 (Chatham Central), Feb 16 (Northwood), and Feb 17 (Jordan Matthews). There is only 30 minutes of public comment on Feb 14 – on the other nights, as it will last as long as people are there to speak.