First Annual Woods Charter School Percussion Festival

Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 16:32:43 -0500
From: Ann Kaiyala

Thursday, December 2
4-6:30pm Drum clinics and student recitals
7-9pm Concert

In Chapel Hill, the Triangle, and the wider Piedmont there is a need for more classical music education among children, especially in the vast field of percussion. Matt Vooris is attempting for the first time to combine a percussion recital atmosphere, workshops and clinics, and a formal concert into one event…our first annual Percussion Festival!

Students in Mr. Vooris’ teaching studio will perform solos and ensemble pieces for family and friends. All are invited to attend, and the event is free and open to the public. Donations will be collected throughout the evening to help reimburse the clinicians and featured guests.

This year’s featured guests are the Amphion percussion duo. They are known for exciting arrangements of Radiohead songs on marimbas and an amazing technical proficiency in their original compositions. Amphion will be presenting a world premiere as well, “4-3-5” by Brendan Faegre. It goes without saying that being the first venue to ever present a piece of music is an important step for Woods, and promises to be exciting for all in attendance.

Also performing are East Chapel Hill High’s Percussion Ensemble, directed by Mr. Vooris; percussion soloist Andrew Munger; and a rendition of Clapping Music by American minimalist composer Steve Reich, performed by Matt Vooris and Patrick Litterst of the Durham Symphony Orchestra.

Food will be available (pizza, we think), and there will be a food order being placed. Please contact Mr. Vooris to reserve a slice or two. (