Pets and Patience

Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 15:33:51 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
From: Linda Cooper
Subject: Pets and Patience

Good Grief!!!!  I never imagined there were so many uncaring, thoughtless and absolutely mean spirited people in Chatham. 

The comment from Preacher Jimmy Pharr is one of the saddest!!  He has “…no patience with those who are so self-sentered as to allow their pets…”  Self Centered???  Allow the pets to…????  No one “allows” their pets to get lost or stolen.  And how does that make folks Self-Centered????  And this from a Preacher!!!???!!!  When a pet is a member of your family and is lost or stolen, it is a truly heart-breaking experience. 

We have 2 doggie daughters and now a third dog who I found in the road a few weeks ago.  He had been hit by a car and was doing his very best to crawl to safety.  We rescued him and when no owner was found, adopted him and a huge vet bill because of the broken bones he suffered.  That is the loving way of dealing with the problem.  Compassion.  Love.  Not reciting laws.  How many laws have you broken?  Did you drive exactly the speed limit last time you were in the car? 

Drop by our house sometime, I would love to discuss how self-centered we are.  I’m looking forward to our discussion. 
