Fundraiser for Chatham Crocs 12U Girls Fastpitch Travel Softball Team

Date: Tue, 09 Feb 2010 10:32:54 -0500
From: tonywilson
Subject: Fundraiser for Chatham Crocs 12U Girls Fastpitch Travel Softball Team

Chatham Crocs 12U Girls Fastpitch Softball Team
1st Annual Barbecue by the Pound Sale
Pickup Date: Saturday February 27, 2010
11:00am- 1:00pm
Where: Robyn’s Nest CLC, Inc.
69 Robyn’s Neat Lane Pittsboro, NC
Order Deadline: February 19, 2010
Price per Pound: $7.50
The Chatham Crocs 12U Girls Fastpitch Softball Team of Pittsboro is having a fundraiser to raise funds to attend and participate in the NSA 12U Fastpitch “B†Class World Series in Chattanooga Tennessee in July. The funds that are raised from this Barbecue sale will help pay for some of the travel expenses and the entry fee into the NSA 12U Fastpitch “B†Class World Series. The Chatham Crocs 12U Girls Fastpitch Softball team is a team that is base in Pittsboro and consists of 12U girls from Chatham County. All of these 12U girls attend Chatham County Schools and have goals of playing for their high schools at the next level.

The Chatham Crocs 12U Girls Fastpitch Softball Team was put together late last summer to play in the fall leagues around the eastern part of North Carolina. The Crocs played in several tournaments in different locations to include, Greensboro, Goldsboro, Siler City, Kernersville, Pleasant Garden just to name a few. In all the tournaments that the Crocs played in the coaches were not expecting to place in the top rankings, but the Crocs surprised a lot of people to include the coaches and parents. The Crocs battled for two Championships but finished 2nd and in other tournaments placed a 3rd and 4th. Most of these tournaments have anywhere from 6 to 12 teams in the 12U age bracket from all around North Carolina. The Chatham Crocs is a non-profit organization and is run by volunteer parents that have a player on the team. At each tournament we cookout and have family time with each other but first and foremost we thank GOD first before the girls ever set foot onto the field for play. At each meal we return thanks to GOD and on Sundays we have parents to hold church service before play starts.

The spring and summer of 2010 is going to be great year for the Chatham Crocs, the coaches and parents want to reward these young ladies for their hard work by attending and participating in the NAS “B†Class World Series in Tennessee the last week of July 2010. This will be something that these young ladies will never forget and hopefully help them work harder towards making their own goals in life. If you choose not to purchase any barbecue and want to help by donating that is great as well, your donation is tax deductable and a receipt can be provided. Order forms are available upon request, order froms must be turned in by February 19, 2010. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact Robyn Allgood @ 542-9977 or Also on this same day there will be a BIG yard sale at the Robyn’s Nest location.

Again THANK YOU for your support and may GOD BLESS YOU ALL.