Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2010 14:47:52 EST
From: Kattorney
Subject: David Ismay for Mardi Gras King 2010!
Really? Do you just sit around and wait for Mardi Gras every year? I mean, that’s cool….it IS a really great party. But this is essentially the same post you posted last year and it wasn’t particularly humorous or accurate then, either. Although Andrea wasn’t even involved with Mardi Gras 2009 at all, I know her and I’m sure she’d be THRILLED to have YOU as her
advocate!! What devotion and loyalty!! And by the way, the Mardi Gras king and queen aren’t voted upon. There is a king cake and a queen cake, both of which contain a plastic baby in accordance with Mardi Gras tradition. Whoever gets the baby in their piece of cake is the king and queen of the ball. I bake the cakes. C’mon by, I’ll save a piece just for you. Maybe YOU can be the king!
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 12:26:19 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Andrea Young for Mardi Gras Queen 2010!
The search is on for a new 2010 Mardi Gras Queen! I nominate Andrea Young!
Andrea as you may remember is the founder of The Abundance Foundation and
has advanced it to a whole new level. She will long be remembered for
totally re-inventing the annual Pittsboro Christmas Parade and is credited with
developing and bringing to fruitation the 2008 & 2009 Mardi Gras. So,
everybody vote for Andrea Young for Mardi Gras Queen 2010!
What? No New Mardi Gras King? Many of us thought that honor would go to
Lyle Estill- but alas, he if far too busy preparing for his apparance on the
‘Ophra’ TV Show, promoting his new book “Small Is Not Enough” And perhaps
you may or may not have heard- Lyle now Sings!!
David Ismay
Kathie Russell
Russell & Pressley
727 W. Hargett St., Ste. 109
Raleigh, NC 27603