Chain saw is a tool which can easily cause serious damage

Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2010 13:49:53 -0500
From: Tom Glendinning
Subject: Subject: chain saw accidents

As someone who worked a tree surgeon and climber of more than ten years, I will verify that the chain saw is a tool which can easily cause serious damage.  I consider myself lucky that I have all my appendages and faculties (though some might disagree on the last.)

Knowledge and training are only partial guarantees of successful operation of the chain saw.  I urge focus on safety first.  Accidents comes swiftly and without remorse.

The chain and blade are dangerous, but the wood being cut can pose more problems than a novice could imagine.  I know of two professional tree workers locally.  One suffered serious injury and the other died due to job accidents.

Be careful.  If in doubt, hire a professional or buy wood from the many vendors in the county.

Tom Glendinning