Exhibit on Chatham People in Chatham Historical Museum

Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 17:22:38 -0500 (EST)
From: Jim and Bev Wiggins <jimerly@embarqmail.com>
Subject: Exhibit on Chatham People in Chatham Historical Museum

A new exhibit at the Chatham Historical Museum highlights the faces and stories of a handful of Chatham residents, some famous, some not. All are interesting.  “The stories of the people whose pictures we have displayed are Chatham’s story,” said Jane Pyle, curator of the Chatham Historical Museum and creator of the current exhibit.  “These are the kinds of stories that must be preserved if future generations are to look back and appreciate the county’s past.  This exhibit highlights just a few of the many interesting Chatham people whose photographs, and sometimes stories, are part of the Chatham Historical Museum’s collection.”
The public is invited to visit the museum to learn some of these interesting stories, but also to help add to them. If there is a Chatham person whose photograph or story you would like to add to the museum collection, please contact the Chatham County Historical Association, PO Box 93, Pittsboro, NC 27312, or history@chathamhistory.org.
The exhibit will be on display through March and is free and open to the public. The museum is located in the historic Chatham County Courthouse—first floor, west end. It is open on Wednesdays from 12 noon until 3 p.m.., except holidays.  Special arrangements can be made for tour groups on other days by request to history@chathamhistory.org.

Jim and Beverly Wiggins