Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 09:20:11 -0500 From: Al Cooke Subject: Re:  pine straw info To the question of “Are there any local sources of long leaf pine straw” …. Longleaf pine is generally considered to be the premier source of pine needles for mulch and very few long leafContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 06:54:02 -0500 From: Adam Brinson Subject: Applause for The Door Doctor Just wanted to say that we used the Door Doctor and had a great experience. He came on time, was very knowledgeable,and best of all our doors work like they should now.  He wasContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 14:54:20 -0500 From: Ron Rudin Subject: Hospice Volunteer Training  Starts January 26 UNC Hospice Volunteer Training A six-week Series in Pittsboro Tuesday afternoons 1-4pm, January 26 thru March 2 UNC Hospice Office 480 Hillsboro St., Pittsboro To Register Contact:  Mary at UNC Hospice: 919-542-5545 orContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 09:05:37 -0500 From: dale olbrich Subject: Free Income Tax Service Yes, your 2009 Federal and North Carolina income tax can be prepared and filled electronically (e-file) for free. Chatham County residents can take advantage of this service sponsored by the IRS, Orange County RSVP andContinue Reading