Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 10:53:52 -0400 From: Mark Stinson Subject: question? Can anyone tell me where I can go to see how the lottery money is dispersed? I saw a commercial where they collected 1 billion dollars so far. I also hear and it may or may nor beContinue Reading

Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 09:41:24 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) From: Elaine Nichols Subject: City? – Town? Wonder if everyone could please put which town or city you are talking about when telling us of some wonderful things going on in Chatham County. I for one, do not know allContinue Reading

Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 07:42:37 -0400 From: “Laura Lauffer” Subject: Thank you Amber For changing the tone of the chatlist today. You are right, there are amazing things happening in our community and you are right to point out the generosity found here. Tami Schwerin and Lyle Estill haveContinue Reading