Greetings from your new neighbor

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 14:29:17 -0500
From: Deanne Jones
Subject: Greetings from your new neighbor.

Greetings from your new neighbor.  Dr. Sidharth Bansal has opened a new Dental Practice at 120 Lowes Dr. Suite 106 in Pittsboro.  My name is Deanne Jones I will be working for Dr. Bansal helping set up the practice and manage the office.  I am so excited to be working in Pittsboro. Dr. Bansal is the only Dentist at this practice and has been working for a large practice and has made the blessed decision to break out of the group and have his own place to call home.  We look forward to chatting with you soon we are scheduled to do a ribbon cutting ceremony on Tues. February 17th at 2pm stop by and see the practice. Our goal is to have a relaxed enviroment while still providing a greatly detailed service for your health and welll being.

I currently live in Sanford and commute everyday if anyone would like to car pool let me know.  I am a non-smoker but love music and talking in the car.  Pittsboro has always been of great interest to me.  The music around this community and the happy spirited people make it one of my top 3 towns to live.  I moved to North Carolina in 1997 from Austin, Texas where the music scene was just awesome but different in a big city kind of way.  Since I have lived here I have gone to every Shakori Hills Music Festival in the Spring and Fall for family camping and great homegrown music.  Thank you for providing such a great experience for me and my family and hope to become a citizen of Pittsboro in the future.

Warm Regards,Deanne Jones