Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 22:59:58 -0500
From: Mark Stinson
Subject: Angels needed asap
I need some angels to help with the last few persons in need on my list.
I have a need for items for a 2 year old boy ,he likes blue and Spiderman . I have a single mom that needs tires on her car desperately .. I have a disabled couple with a dead engine in their car . I need a car or engine for them . If someone has a 89 to 93 Nissan Stanza with a good 4 cylinder engine ( KA 24 ) I can have my shop angels install it . I have a new mother with an infant weeks old trying to hold things together while she waits on the dad to be released from Jail . Long story but he tried to comply with a court order from another jurisdiction in this one and He got screwed from legal mistakes on both sides . He had to go back to jail for a short time to clear up the mess but it cost him his job . The mom is doing the best she can with him in lockup but she cant work as the doctor hasn’t released her yet . She needs grocery cards , gift cards or infant items . I can put you directly in contact with her .
If you cant help with these request but want to do something I encourage you to call the Salvation Army as donations are down and the need is up . Cora is still short on food for their pantry and I’m sure the Council on Ageing can use anything you can donate to help with our seniors with cold weather coming . I still have some seasoned hickory and oak if anyone wants to come cut it for firewood . I cant physically cut it for you but I can drag it out in the open with a tractor so it can be cut easily and loaded .
On a last note for myself . I went to hear my oldest son sing and play the drums in the percussion ensemble at Chatham Central Last night. I want to find a drum set for him . He can burn them up and go from one type of drum to the other with no effort .He’s really good !! A new set isn’t an option as I simply cant afford it so if anyone has a decent drum set ,, I can buy cheaply ,, swap out ,, beg for ,, please let me know . This isn’t an item he simply wants ,, he is already established playing them and will continue to do so . He hasn’t asked for anything special for Christmas and I really would like to surprise him
Happy Holidays.