Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 08:24:55 -0400 From: Karen Sirls Subject: Leo on the mend with C.A.R.E. Pittsboro, NC – Chatham Animal Rescue and Education. relies on the community to support its mission. For some animals it is critical that someone cares enough to take that first step by showingContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 08:00:08 -0500 From: Elizabeth M. Haddix Subject: bilingual preschool in P’boro Here’s a plug for the new preschool/daycare in Pittsboro, just down from Al’s Diner on 87 South.  It’s Pasitos Felices, and it’s run by Adriana Espinosa, who got her chops from Mi Escuelita inContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 12:12:26 -0400 From: Debra Henzey Subject: Chatham Residents Invited to Provide Input on NW Park Chatham Residents Invited to Provide Input on Northwest Park PITTSBORO-Chatham County’s Parks and Recreation Department invites county residents to visit its newest park property near Silk Hope, while alsoContinue Reading