I am so messed up and frazzled these days

Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 11:09:05 -0400
From: Dan Cahoon
Subject: Help!

My life is falling apart and I need assistance from the community at large. After reading the recent “stolen dog” drama, I needed to put in my need for someone to “steal” my two bad dogs. They eat cats (which I
need around to keep me sane) and chickens (I just like them and want a flock) and occasionally good friends (well one of them has bitten 5 of my good friends).

I would love a good home for these dogs but frankly am so messed up and frazzled these days that I just don’t care what happens to them. I love them and they love me but their behavior is getting me down. I agree
with those who seek to make the lives of those animals we make pets be as comfortable as possible and I am big proponent for animal welfare in general. No animal deserves to live in a cage or on a rope or in a pen.

Would YOU like to live, eat, sleep, defecate in a confined space. That is just prison for animals (who have done nothing wrong). I have attempted to train my bad dogs and restrain them when I am gone and even shock them into staying in my yard (doesn’t really work, dogs will do anything to chase something fuzzy, THEY ARE WOLVES! for pete’s sake). All to no avail.

So here is the deal, you can take my dogs home with you, no questions asked. In fact I will pay to have these dogs go somewhere else. I don’t like being cruel and I know I will get the “warning” about letting unsavory individuals take pets, but I must get my house in order and do those things that will get me out of my world of pain and back to some measure of contentment. Chickens and cats, I feel, would be a good start. My friends might even  start coming back to my house again. I might even be able to rent out some space to help offset my overbearing mortgage.

So please help me solve this problem. I will make it worth your while with cash, favors, childcare, art, yard work or whatever it takes to get you to take these loving but infuriating dogs away. I know this is a long shot but if you are out there and can help, please contact me at the number below.

Thank you chatlisters, for keeping me relatively sane.

Oh, these dogs also eat squirrels. I find that squirrels just don’t take the chance in my circle of death. Something to think about if you are battling the rodent of the trees.

Dan Cahoon
Moncure, NC 27559
