Donkeys as guards

Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 06:58:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: jaye
Subject: Donkeys as guards – cons

I read the very good post about donkeys and I would add that if you are considering them, that you Google “donkey care” first so you know what’s involved. I have horses, a llama and a mule and I think donkey care would be similar. For instance, it must have its feet trimmed regularly, shots twice a year, regular worming and cannot be out on too much grass in the spring or get too much grain.

I have to lock my feed room because my animals will just lift the latch and walk in and open the bin. You should either have a trailer or a vet who will make a farm call. Usually a vet visit costs a minimum of around $100, even if it is a simple thing like an eye infection [which is actually not such a simple thing].

There is a learning curve with any animal, but this type of animal can be more fragile if there is an error in care.
