Homosexual activites at Jordan Lake

Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2007 09:25:07
From: Chuck
Subject: Re: problems with our lake

Myself and others would like to know what the county and state officials plan to do about the on going homo-sexual activities happening at Jordan lake, mainly off hwy 751 north of hwy 64. People go here to seek same sex activities, in the open and in the cover. I have personally seen these acts and it disgust me. This place at one time was a great place to take the kids swimming and hang out with friends fishing. are there more people concerned about this problem.

Myself and others have talked about walking the area and running these people off, but are afraid it will be considered harassment. And as the law is written its only indecent exposure when its seen by the opposite sex.
Would like to hear peoples feedback on this subject. Feel free to contact me at cccwee_2007.at.yahoo.com

All opinions are welcomed.

I believe the law you’re talking about, indecent exposure can only be reported by someone of the opposite sex, only applies to nudity. If they’re doing more than just being nude, there are probably other laws, without the opposite sex limitation, that apply. I also think the indecent exposure law was changed a few years back so male rangers would be able to take action against males. I don’t remember the details of the change.

Some things you can do:

1) Carry a cell phone and contact the rangers if you witness such activity.

2) Carry a camera and discretely photograph enough details to identify the people and what they were doing. When you do this, photograph the tags of the cars in the lot too, it’ll help track the people down. Give these photos to law enforcement.

3) Get together some large groups and start frequenting the area and help these people understand that their activities are not welcome there. I wonder what their reaction would be if you took pictures and threatened to post them online?

4) Avoid the trails where they are doing such things. I took my daughter for a walk there one time last year. We started walking toward the trail to the right side of the lot as you face the lake. A guy was just arriving at the lot from that trail (wonder what he was doing?) and suggested that I might not want to take my daughter on it. I was kind of surprised because I thought they had cleaned up the place, or I wouldn’t have taken my daughter there, but I guess not…
