Improv @ The Plant this Wednesday, 6-7:30

Hello Chatham,   I don’t have to tell you that play is good for you!  So, join us Wednesday, January 22, 6pm, at Fair Game Tasting Room at The Plant in Pittsboro for a night of improv comedy with Sonder & Scenius. Two veteran improv actors and one very talented “newbie”Continue Reading

Poetry @ The Plant for Valentine’s Day

Poetry @ The Plant Join us this Wednesday, 2/14, from 6-7pm, for Poetry @ The Plant.  What better way to spend Valentine’s Day than leisurely listening to our community members speaking from the heart! This month’s line-up is:Geoffrey NealStephanie TerryAnnie CramerKatie KenlanKaren Howard Gary Phillips We gather in Fair Game Beverage’sContinue Reading

Music event at The Plant on Wednesday, October 5

Please join us for our First Wednesday Concert Series featuring three talented singer songwriters “in- the-round. “ They will knock your socks off, and, if you are an aspiring singer-song writer yourself, they will kindly share their tricks of the trade in a special Q&A before the performance. Doors openContinue Reading

Esthimer and Cole perform at The Plant on May 28

Chatham Countians, you will find Esthimer and Cole playing music at The Plant (220 Lorax Lane in Pittsboro on Saturday, May 28th, 2022, from 6 to 8 p.m.  We play original songs and covers, including songs by The Beatles, Joe Jackson, Elvis Costello, Pink Floyd, CSN&Y, and The Band, amongContinue Reading