Chatham County Online Discussion Group!
This list digest is run by Gene Galin for the purpose of providing a public forum for discussions about things in Chatham County, North Carolina.
You are welcome to supply information about upcoming events in Chatham County, NC. You can also bring up issues concerning the county. We welcome information about Chatham County based businesses. However, please no spamming.
Please feel free to “introduce” yourself to the group. You will find that folks in our group will appreciate hearing a little bit about you – your job, interests, and impressions about what’s going on in Chatham county. We have an array of folks in this group, so you’re never sure what will come up.
Our listserver program compiles all emails sent from Chatlist members to
Do NOT post your notice at You MUST send your post to the Chatlist email address.
IMPORTANT! If you fail to read these guidelines or choose to ignore them your post(s) will not make the daily digest and you will simply get a email response that will tell you to read these guidelines.
A digest is sent out to Chatlist members up to six times each week; Monday through Saturday. This format and timeline were established based upon feedback from members of the Chatham Online e-mail list. You should receive your first digest e-mail within 24 to 72 hours of signing up for the Chatlist.
As a Chatham Chatlist Discussion Group member you can submit emails to this group. When we receive your email the program will send you an automatic acknowledgment that we received your email and it will be posted in a timely fashion.
If you’re responding to a previous digest please do NOT re-quote the ENTIRE Chatlist. Re-quote only the portion(s) you are referencing. This helps keep the digests at reasonable lengths. Please make sure to provide a subject line that does a good job defining what you’ll be writing about.
Although the Chatlist is a moderated list, over 96% of member posts do make it through to the daily digest.
All writers agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, libelous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Libel includes any false “factual” assertion, as opposed to your opinion, that would damage the reputation or community standing of a person or business. Avoid spreading rumors or making factual assertions without having made an attempt to verify those facts.
Do NOT send attachments with your emails. Due to the size of most attachments and the possibility of attachments carrying viruses, the Chatham Chatlist program automatically strips any attachment off and will NOT send it out with the digest.
Do not send images, Word documents, PDF files, etc. In other words, do NOT send attachments.
Since March 24, 2008 any emails that include an attachment are automatically rejected by the Chatlist program.
As a general rule we do not allow the posting of entire online articles on the Chatham Chatlist. You can post several paragraphs from an online article and you MUST provide a credit line as well as a link to the referenced article.
The Chatham Chatlist is NOT your personal, business or organization’s email list. Do NOT add the Chatham Chatlist to your email list. The thousands of Chatham Chatlist members will not be involuntarily drafted to join any other email list.
An extremely popular feature of the Chatham Chatlist is our weekly Classified Chatlist which comes out on Friday mornings. You are welcome to submit a list of your “stuff” or services for sale at anytime during the week. Yard sales, Wanted Ads, etc. fall into this category. All submitted classified posts are collected and posted on Friday’s Chatlist.
The general guideline is that you can only post the same stuff/service twice a month.
NOTE: Our mailing service does NOT allow ANY Craigslist posts or links.
Chatham Chatlist Sponsorships are available.
Sponsoring the Chatham Chatlist presents your message towards the top of the Chatlist to a Chathamcentric audience.
The Daily Sponsorship is open to businesses, big and small, profit and non-profit, individuals, organizations, et al as long as they are based in Chatham.
We will only have ONE main sponsor who will appear at the top of each Chatham Chatlist (just below the regular Chatlist heading and above the table of contents).
Click here for information on how to become a Chatham Chatlist sponsor. Learn about our affordable pricing and multiple day sponsorship specials.
IMPORTANT: Emails to the group that have nothing to do with Chatham County, NC will NOT be posted to the Chatlist. If it doesn’t have anything to do with Chatham County, it doesn’t belong on the Chatham Chatlist. There are plenty of other venues to talk about plenty of other things.
We only accept emails about events happening in Chatham County, NC.
Starting your email post with the phrase “How stupid can you be?” is not a good idea and is not acceptable. As my mom used to tell me when I was a kid – “Play nice.”
Please avoid using ALL CAPS in your emails. This signifies SHOUTING. The email will be returned to you and you will be asked to resubmit it using upper and lower case letters.
We respect the privacy of our members. We do not resell any names or email addresses of Chatlist members. “Harvesting” of Chatlist email addresses is not permitted. Any member caught trying to “harvest’ email addresses from the Chatlist will be removed and banned from the Chatlist. It’s that simple.
Excerpts from the Chatham Chatlist may appear at times on the Chatham Journal newspaper web site. All materials posted in the digests are considered public information, unless otherwise stated.
We hope you enjoy the Chatham Chatlist. Give it a few weeks to grow on you. If it doesn’t meet you needs, simply unsubscribe by sending an email to the Chatlist with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the heading. It’s that simple.
If you have any specific operational questions about this group you can drop Gene Galin an email at You can also reach him at 919-533-4585.
NOTE: Chatham Chatlist guidelines are subject to change without notice from time to time.
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(Last Updated Monday, March 26, 2024)
Copyright © 2024 Chatham Chatlist, PO Box 520, Pittsboro, NC 27312
If you have a concern about any posting or comment being factually incorrect, please contact us. Please provide details of who you are, how we can contact you, what your interest is, and what your concern is. If something has been written that is factually incorrect, it will be addressed. Anonymous complaints will be ignored.
I was born & raised in Chatham Co. It stays with you where ever you go. My comment has to do with New Salem Church off old 87 in Chatham Co. I was born just across the rd. from the church & attended that church for many years. My Mother taught Sunday school there. I know times have changed but it’s the change in people that scare me.Your neighbors always came together in times of need, now we don’t even know who they are. The church was the mainstay of the community. My Grandparents,my Parents,2 Aunts, 1 cousin & my husband are all buried there. It holds a Special place in my heart & always will. I am not a member. My 1st. cousin wants to be buried beside her mother. Her brother has been buried there since 1973. She was informed by the preacher that a plot would cost her $5000.00. We paid nowhere near that for our plots The person we dealt with was the keeper of the cemetery & had a book to keep him up to date on who was buried where, so even without markers he was aware of the people buried there would not be disturbed. When I had coping put around out plots & a bench to sit on there wasn’t a problem. I even had plastic & rock on top so mowing wouldn’t be a problem. I cannot fathom such a price difference. She has at least 5 family members while I have 6 buried there. I don’t know who decided on such a high price but it doesn’t seem right to me. That Church has probably been there over 100 yrs. I know it’s been there over 70 yrs. There is a Confederate soldier or family member buried there. We do our level best to keep flowers on the graves of our Loved ones & at times on a grave with a homemade marked on her grave with no name on it. A church member made the cross out of kindness. The memories of being a part of that Church will never leave me. I shall always be a Chatham Rabbit no matter where I live. I really hope to find out about the price even if it’s none of my business. My cousin cannot afford $5000.00 for a plot. I don’t know anyone that could. Sincerely, Shelby Hewett.
Hello Everyone! My name is Jennifer Kidd and I learned about the chatlist through my business parter, Michele Peluso who recently moved to a awesome home on the river in Pittsboro. She has encouraged me to get more involved socially and business wise in Pittsboro! I have enjoyed several events downtown and have started doing some networking in the Pittsboro area. I recently met Cindy Poindexter with the Chatham Chamber and she convinced me to join! I’m excited about Michele and I building our photography business, and making new friends in Pittsboro. I love the chatlist and check it every week. My next goal is to visit the Soda Shoppe for a yummy milkshake! lol. I’d also LOVE to do a photoshoot at the soda shoppe at some point. Anyone interested in being my model let me know. I love the idea of a cute kids or teen/prom/date session at the soda shoppe1 Excited to get to know the sweet town of Pittsboro!
Swim Lessons are available starting with age 3 at the PSA Pool in Pittsboro. contact Kathy Price, or call 919-770-1460. Prices are reasonable. Lessons taught in the morning or evening.
I have two 100+ year old large black walnut trees I need to remove from my yard (90″ diameter, very tall). I’m interested in exchanging the wood for tree removal. If interested contact me. Thank you.
I am looking for movers in the Siler City area to pack, wrap in blankets/bubble wrap, move and transport furniture and personal items. Does anyone have a resource for this?
Where is the pool in Pittsboro?
Dear Ms Shelby Hewett, As I understand the church policy, members may be buried in the New Salem cemetery. Non-members apparently pay that price per policy. I was not aware of the difference.
The present cemetery does have limited space due to the layout of the parking lot.